Sundat owns 120 trademarks, over 270 crop care products and fertilizer registrations across more than 35 countries. Our strengths lie in our strong technical know-how and support, and also our understanding of the needs of the local farming communities, and our staff works closely with our customers, suppliers and distributors to tackle the pressing issues facing farmers that affect their crop quality and yield.
We believe that ensuring the sustainability and reliability of the global food chain to feed the world’s population gives meaning to Sundat’s business existence. The world population is growing and there is an urgent need to ensure sufficient and safe food supply to feed the world’s populations. The world’s food supply is facing threats from plants’ pests, diseases and other undesirable plant species due to climate change and global warming.
With our global foot prints in many parts of the world, we have helped the farmers in these areas to protect their hard-grown crops against the attacks from various insects and diseases, and against undesirable plant species competing for resources with the food crops.